
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

In to the memories- A short photo-story

"Astounding structures, Bombarded boulders, Captivating art, Dancing sculptures,Enthusiastic people are a few things that people can fail to miss in the city of Hampi."

The then vijayanagara capital is situated in the state of karntataka. Summers are really hot and mansoon is harsh on the city of hampi. Hence backpacked there in the month of january when winter is still young and pleasure-some. Having said that , I should also say days in winter are also dry and hot. Even for a madrasi.
Anyone who loves history should visit this place, and when they do so they can feel like almost every stone has a story to say. Apart from the stupid tourist development facilities of India, Anything that is present in Hampi is almost ancient.

          Here's a short photo-story of my trip to Hampi..

The sun is about to wake-up , Priests making their way to the virupaksha temple on a misty morning.

Sun rises and its yet another dawn at Hampi

Ruined and battered yet standing through ages.

The guard.

Stagnated water contributing to the reflection on the stone structures
The break-fast centre for backpackers.  
The commercial street of hampi

The Queen's Bath has been built with some amazing patterns.

On the eve of sankaranthi
A man enjoys the aerial view of Hampi and the crowd.